Sheila Rossmiller

Sheila Rossmiller

Sheila Rossmiller, NTC Director of Giving + Scholarships, sees the impact scholarships make in the lives of students each and every day. As a result, she was inspired to create two scholarships, each with a very personal connection.

The Stan Rossmiller Memorial Vet Tech Scholarship was established to celebrate the life of her family’s golden retriever, Stan, who passed away in 2023. “Dogs enter our lives to teach us of unconditional love and acceptance; when they pass, they teach us of loss and leave a void that is impossible to fill. Stan was the very best of dogs, an old and kind soul, a friend who brought joy to all who knew him.” This scholarship supports the next generation of Vet Tech professionals.

The Rossmiller Family Scholarship is an endowment, which will continue to assist students for years to come. “Each day when I walk through the doors at NTC I do so with the drive to help one more student, just one more student . . . and in that way, our work is truly never done. This is my small way of helping one more student.” This scholarship is awarded to a student from Edgar High School (her alma mater), Wausau East (where her two sons attended high school), or the NTC Alternative High School (which holds a special place in her heart).
